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DEI 2.0

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DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) approached things by deciding who was disadvantaged, and then directly offering those very same groups some help or advantages to help them get more equal outcomes in society. It correctly identified that “everyone has the same opportunity) was not actually reality based on income and wealth inequality, past and continuing racism, and hiring biases whether they are intentional or not.

For the most part it was positive. For the most part, standards were not diminished, because for the most part their is a standard that must be achieved or demonstrated, and no actual need to hire the best of the best.

However, as with most of woke (see crime in California, and transgender children), it went too far and so there has been a massive backlash, led by Trump.

That does not mean the end to DEI, it simply means that we (I’m a lefty) need to get smarter.

I recently went to a Lebanese Charcoal Chicken restaurant and all the staff were (to my eyes) Lebanese. Hooters in the US has specific requirements. These are allowed! The Lebanese restaurant – part of a chain – says it is Lebanese and therefore they can simply ask prospective staff if they have a knowledge and understanding of Lebanese culture. That is not racist, that is culturist, and not illegal. A movie studio will only hire a giant to play a giant…

Want to smoke in a restaurant, form a private club just for smokers.

Want to exclude transvestites from a women-only gym? Have a vagina-requirement.

Now with DEI 2.0, you just need to change the language, not the outcomes.

  • Make use of individual scholarship funds not controlled by the school
  • Talk about culture, not race (race is probably harder to define/prove anyway)
  • Talk about alternative cultures and not gender identity
  • Treat neurodiverse people as being more skilled at types of tasks
  • Treat age as experience
  • Have pathways through clubs or organizations that typically have the diversity you seek, making it indirect



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